LOOKING TO PRAISE AND WORSHIP JESUS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. 18 No man has ever seen God at any time; the only unique Son, or the only begotten God, Who is in the bosom [in the intimate presence] of the Father, He has declared Him [He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted Him and He has made Him known].

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Walk in Wisdom – Gleanings from Scripture

Today's Readings Feb. #16 : Matt. 17:1-13;
Acts 23:12-35; Psalm 38; Lev. 1-4

The opening chapters of Leviticus are somewhat
startling as we begin to see the elaborate system of
the sacrifices. But here is the Gospel in it its most
graphic form. It is good to note first how each
person who brought a sacrifice had to kill it
personally. No one could do it for them. We must
see it was OUR hand who nailed Jesus to the Cross.
We must look to Him as though we had brought
Him to Calvary ourselves to die there. We must
each see that He is our sacrifice personally, and no
one can make Him that for us. Note that blood had
to be shed in their place. The sacrifice was in lieu of
their own death. They knew full well this was a
substitute. The animal would die so that they would
not. So is Christ the substitute for all who believe,
who take Him as such. Killed He was. Offered up
He was. But if I do not take Him as MY substitute
by faith, I am still lost in my sins. But note thirdly
how the one who brought the sacrifice had to "lay
his hand on the head" of the offering. Alfred
Edersheim tells us that the words imply that the one
making the offering had to rest their whole weight
on the head of the sacrifice. And is this not simply
the sweetest picture of that true and saving faith we
are to exercise toward our Savior? We are to rest
the entire weight of our guilt upon Him. The whole
of our sin. Our shame, and our hope and trust. He
alone can support us. He alone can bear it all. If one
animal were to have the weight of all a man's sins -
not just those he was confessing at that time, but the
collective weight he would place upon the heads of
his multiple sacrifices over the years – none could
ever bear it. But our Redeemer can – and did!
Alone upon that Cross, He took it all. And in the
taking of it, let each who rests the the entire weight
of their sin-stained, guilt ridden souls know of an
assurance, that their sins are fully met in Him. Oh
what a Sacrifice He is!


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