Faith in its Practical Exercise - Newton
Faith, in its practical exercise(John Newton's Letters)That faith which justifies: purifies the heart, works by love, and overcomes the world. That faith which justifies the soul, does likewise receive grace from Jesus, whereby the heart is purified, and the life regulated as befits the Gospel of Christ. Faith is of great use and importance in the daily concerns of life. Faith gives evidence and reality to things not seen, and realizes the great truths of the Gospel--so that they become abiding and living principles of support and direction while we are passing through this wilderness. It is a believer's privilege to walk with God in the exercise of faith, and, by the power of His Spirit, to mortify the whole body of sin, to gain a growing victory over the world and self, and to make daily advances in conformity to the mind of Christ. Faith, in its practical exercise, has for its object the whole word of God; and forms its estimate of all things with which the soul is at present concerned, according to the standard of Scripture. When our Lord was upon earth, and conversed with His disciples, their eyes and hearts were fixed upon Him. In danger He was their defender; their guide when in perplexity; and to Him they looked for the solution of all their doubts, and the supply of all their needs. He is now withdrawn from our eyes; but faith sets Him still before us, for the same purposes, and, with the same effects, as if we actually saw Him! His spiritual presence, apprehended by faith, is . . . a restraint from evil, an encouragement to every service, and affords a present refuge and help in every time of trouble.
A "Traditionalist" to the end
October 04, 2006 8:39 AM
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