LOOKING TO PRAISE AND WORSHIP JESUS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. 18 No man has ever seen God at any time; the only unique Son, or the only begotten God, Who is in the bosom [in the intimate presence] of the Father, He has declared Him [He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted Him and He has made Him known].

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Fullness Of His Grace

The fullness of His grace

(Octavius Winslow, "From Grace to Glory" 1864)

"From the fullness of His grace we have all
received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Will you hesitate, then, child of God to sink
your emptiness in this fullness; to drink
abundantly from this supply; to go to Jesus . . .
with every sin, the greatest;
with every temptation, the strongest;
with every need, the deepest;
with every trial, the severest;
with your mental despondency, your lowest
spiritual frame yes, exactly as you are--and
receive from Christ's boundless grace--grace
to help you in the time of need? Hesitate not!

Every drop of Christ's fullness of grace is yours!
And you have . . .
not a sin this grace cannot cancel,
not a corruption it cannot subdue,
not a trial it cannot sustain,
not a burden it cannot enable you to bear.

Yes, the Lord will give grace! He will give us grace
for every position in which His providence places us.
He will give sustaining grace under every trial He
sends us. He will give preserving grace in every
path of peril along which He leads us. He will give
comforting grace in every afflictive dispensation
by which He seeks to promote our holiness here,
and so to advance our fitness for glory hereafter.

There is no stintiness, no limit in the Triune God.
He has given you grace for past exigencies, and He
is prepared to give you more grace for present ones!

"From the fullness of His grace we have all
received one blessing after another." John 1:16


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