LOOKING TO PRAISE AND WORSHIP JESUS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. 18 No man has ever seen God at any time; the only unique Son, or the only begotten God, Who is in the bosom [in the intimate presence] of the Father, He has declared Him [He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted Him and He has made Him known].

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Mark asked me to post this here...

It is mid-autumn as I write, and another year is dying before our eyes. The greenery of June has faded and changed into the colors of decay. At the merest breath the leaves loosen and fall to the ground like rustling rain. The wind gathers them in circles on the lawn, or scatters them in the clouds, or drive them along the open road. Helpless and worthless-the remains of the glory of summer soon to be buried out of sight-the withered leaves affect one with sadness and sympathy. They are a parable of human life, which also has its fleeting seasons and its final disappearance. First comes the spring-time, when the buds burst on the the branches, and life is a boundless possibility; then follows summer, when life rises to its fulness and strength; by-and-by autumn checks the flow of sap, and begins to detach us from life; and, last of all, winter, with a timely kindness, covers our lives and our faults beneath the cold pure snow. For a day our neighbours speak of us; for a short while man who served with us in the great enterprise of life miss our presence; for a longer time our friends will recall us; and all her life, till the faithful heart grows cold in death, a woman will keep our memory green. Then the last who knew us will also be covered by the snow, and our remembrance will cease the earth.

While we was in Grand Rapids, we visited a store called "Bakers". It is a wonderful christian book store that I could easily get lost in and not mind one bit,there are books apon books, the best part is the used sections. As I was checking out all the authors, I came across a book Called "The Life of the Master", by John Watson. The book is 100 years old and still in pretty good shape. I paid $8.50 for it, Thank You Lord!

What I posted above is from the book and I wanted to share with you all. As I read it, I thought to myself that I guess I am in the Autumn, of my life. I have fewer days ahead of me, then I do behind me and realizing this, I have fewer days ahead of me to share Christ Crucified, fewer days to be that example that Christ wants me to be, fewer days ahead before I meet my Maker, my Lord, My Master. When it is time for the winter to come, I want to be the child of God that the Lord will say Well done my fine servant, well done. I would like to have folks that knew me, know that I knew Christ and know that I loved Him with all my heart.

Thank you Lord for taking this wretched soul and making me your child. May I honor you for the Season, I have left in my life.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

May we all seek to make the most of the rest of the days (or day) we have left to please and proclaim Him rather than "make the most of our days" for ourselves.

I wonder what folks would say about me when I'm gone. Would they know that I pointed to Christ? That I loved Him? They are good questions to ask - throughout the day as we live.

Enjoy your new (old) book. It sounds beautifully written.

August 07, 2007 9:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another way to put it:

If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Actually, I worry less about what men will say of me than what God will say. Lately, death has been weighing heavy on me. Has it been anyone else? I feel that the days are short - even if I have not yet lived half of my life. I fear wasting time chasing the wind.

"...teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
(Psalm 90:12)

August 07, 2007 10:12 AM

Blogger Gojira said...

Amen to both Cristine and Susan

August 07, 2007 12:15 PM

Blogger Tricknology said...

the lord giveth crack, and i smoketh thee

August 07, 2007 2:39 PM

Blogger jazzycat said...

Good points and thoughts.

The Lord didn't give you crack, but he can get you off of it. The Lord gave you life and he can give you life more abundantly than you seem to have now. Ask me how if you are interested.

August 07, 2007 4:08 PM


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