Cristina, I remember...
Cristina is one of those few people at this blog whose exact birthdate is unknown to me.
BUT, I do know that her birthday is some time in November.
So Cristina I'm a wishin' ya a Happy Birthday today!
(number 52... that makes you old enough...Can I call you 'mom'?) :-)
Happy Birthday, Cristina, whenever that day may be! :)
November 08, 2008 7:25 PM
Happy birthday Cristina! BTW my wife's birthday (Dolores) is Sunday the 9th.
November 08, 2008 9:43 PM
Hi Mark,
Thankyou so much and If remember correctly you are the same age as me so no you can not call me mom lol. My birthday is on the 19th. Thank you Gayla and jazz that means a lot to me.
Jazz please wish Dolores and Happy Birthday for me.
November 08, 2008 10:59 PM
Happy Birthday for the 19th.
November 09, 2008 2:37 AM
Happy Birthday today to Delores! :)
Wayne, this is first time I've heard what your wife's name is. Take her somewhere special today, ya hear? :)
Busy month, my brother's b-day is the 21st. My FIL's was the 2nd, this was our first w/out him.
November 09, 2008 12:19 PM
November 09, 2008 12:52 PM
Happy Birthday a little early Cristina!
Happy Birthday Deloris!
November 09, 2008 2:49 PM
I wonder if y'all could visit Susan's blog. She's been through a lot this year. Just please go on and show her some support. It's the Blue-Collar way.
November 09, 2008 7:14 PM
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Have a most blessed of birthdays!
On the 19th that is.
Of course, in our house we like to celebrate pre-birthdays and pre-pre birthdays (and so on), which of course means there are post-birthdays and post-post-birthdays.
So, let's see, I'm typing this on the 10th, so Happy pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-Birthday!!
November 10, 2008 10:37 PM
Dear Susan,
Thank you. :)
November 12, 2008 4:06 AM
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