In the Beginning
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
1) Christian belief: The universe had a beginning.
Atheist belief: The universe had a beginning.
2) Christian belief: God is eternal, self-existent with the power of being in and of himself.
Atheist belief: There is no God.
3) Christian belief: God created the heavens and the earth. In short he created the universe and everything in it from nothing. Human beings have discovered that the universe is unbelievably large and amazingly complex with an order that points to God as the designer.
Atheist belief: An incredibly dense and small point of singularity of matter/energy exploded into a vast orderly universe of billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each galaxy. This big bang beginning is as far as the atheists will go back. They have no answer for where the matter/energy that exploded came from.
4) Christian belief: God created plant, animal, and human life on the earth.
Atheist belief: Life began on earth from non-life in the form of a one-cell animal. By accident this one cell animal reproduced. By accident this one cell animal evolved gradually to all the plants and animals that are on planet earth today. From non-intelligence, intelligence began in animal life, but not in plant life.
5) Christian belief: God sustains and is sovereign over the universe and nothing can happen apart from his will. Life on earth is sustained by his power.
Atheist belief: It is by accident that all of the many scientific laws of physics, chemistry, etc. that are needed for life on earth came to pass and continue to operate.
The belief that intelligent design is the cause for the orderly and complex universe that we live in is mocked and ridiculed in the United States by our universities and media. Scientists and journalist that even dare to consider investigating the possibility of intelligent design are discounted, shunned, and in many cases either fired or denied tenure. There is movie coming to theaters on April 18th by Ben Stein by the title of: Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed that addresses the tactics of what can be called the Church of Darwin. I recommend this movie, as I understand it will expose the intolerant tactics that are threatening free speech in America in many areas including intelligent design.